The Box Out Ground Ball Fight Game

The Box Out GB Fight Game

Make it fun and make it competitive, but always focus on the little skills!

This Drill Highlights:

  • Ground ball fights

  • Teamwork

  • Boxing Out

  • Next Play


This is a 2v2 ground ball drill inside the draw circle. Start by forming two teams and separate them into four lines around the circle (see diagram). The drill starts with a ground ball thrown into the circle by the coach or a feeder. As the ball is released, the players are released to fight for the ball. Whoever wins the ground ball must carry it or pass it outside of the circle.

Points Awarded:

1 – If the ground ball winner runs the ball outside of the circle by herself

2 – If the ground ball winner makes passes to her teammate who carries the ball outside of the circle

*The first team to 15 points win. You can take away points for fouls and empty stick checks.


Cones, Balls, Whistle, Draw Circle

Highlighted Skills:

Ground balls, Reaction Time, Footwork, Boxing out, Next Play

Key Coaching Points:

Make sure the girls work together. The players should be boxing out to set up their teammates. The attacking team has to get into open space for the next play and communicate. The defending team should never give up. They can double ball, force or go for a legal check. Keep this drill high intensity and moving fast. As soon as one play is over, throw in another ball to get the next girls in!

Diagram of Drill:
