Full Field Passing

Full Field Passing

Get everyone involved with this tough stick skill drill.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Communication

  • Transition Passing

  • Basic Skills


Set the team up in 6 different lines (see diagram) from end line to end line. The ball starts with a goalie clear and works itself up field through the defenders, middies, and ultimately to the attackers who end with a shot.

If you have too many players, mirror this drill and run it twice. On either side of the field at the same time!

Up-level this drill by adding a 1v1 or 2v2 situation at the other end of the field.


Balls, Cones, Players

Highlighted Skills:

Transitional Stick Skills, Stick Skills Under Pressure, The Basics, Use the Outside of the Field

Key Coaching Points:

Focus on the players cutting away and then back toward the ball to receive each pass on the move, have the players use outside hands and dodges to more out of the drill and have each player communicate and call for the ball.

Don't forget to add defenders to X4, X5 + X6 if necessary.

Diagram of Drill:
