Draw Snag Drills (by Taylor Cummings)

Draw Snag Drills by Taylor Cummings

Snagging the Draw is a learned skill!!

These Drills Highlights:

  • Snagging the ball from anywhere

  • Tucking the cradle in

  • Control

  • Awareness

Description & Time Stamps:

  1. Snag Basics: 0:00 - 4:05

  2. Snag Straight Up: 4:15 - 5:29

  3. Snag Across the Body: 5:29 - 7:35

  4. Starfish Snag: 7:35 - 9:19

  5. Snag to the Front: 9:20 -  10:55

  6. Snag Behind: 10:56 - end


Stick & Ball

Key Coaching Points:  

  • Hand goes to the bottom of the stick.

  • Pinky is off the stick as a guide.

  • Reach as high as the player can - timing is important.

  • Protect the stick always, focus on bringing it in.

  • Snag then punch the stick in like being on a “waterslide.”

  • Look at the back of the head when snagging.

  • Focus on technique.

  • Left & Right, always.

Refer to the Attached “Draw Snag Drills” video by Taylor Cummings or watch her full training here.