Ground Ball Goalie

Ground Ball Goalie

Include your goalie in this full field, game-like situation.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Ground Balls

  • Goalie Decision Making

  • Goalie Clears

  • Uneven Situations


The coach initiates this drill by rolling a ball either behind the cage and crease or to one side of the crease.  The coach will choose whether to throw it long or short (almost to the other sideline or right next to the crease as extremes).  The goalie chooses whether to go out and get the ball and clear it to the defenders or to allow attackers to get it and have a 3v2 to goal situation occur.


Goalie, Half field, Whistle and Balls

Highlighted Skills:

Ground balls with pressure, Goalie clearing with pressure, Uneven game situations, Fast Breaks

Key Coaching Points:

  • Decision making from the goalie: When to leave the cage for the ground ball and when to stay in.

  • Attackers practicing man up around the goal: either posting a player up inside the 8m or forming a triangle to work the ball, waiting for the best opportunity.

  • Defenders practicing man down defense with an emphasis on the goalie becoming a third defender.

  • Goalie learning and practice how to clear the ball during a man down situation with pressure on ball.

Diagram of Drill:

groundball goalie drill