Overdrive Drill

Overdrive Drill

Breakdown Defense.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Communication

  • Defensive Basics

  • Forcing

  • Next Play

  • Recovering


Place 6 attackers evenly around the center draw circle.  Two defenders start in the middle of the circle at the center hash.  

One player on the outside starts with the ball.  Her goal is to run toward the center hash with the ball.  The first defender approaches the attacker with the ball, at an angle, forcing her where the defender wants her.  The attacker can dodge and re-dodge, but when she feels unsuccessful, she has to pass the ball to her adjacent. The second defensive player in the middle approaches the new ball handler and the same actions occur.  The other defender drops back into to the middle of the circle (communicating that she is back in the middle) waiting for the attacker to pass to the next adjacent to signal her turn.

The defenders stay in the middle until they have defended each attacker twice.  Add two new defenders inside and start again.


1 ball, 8+ players

Highlighted Skills:

ABCD Defense , Communication, Recovery, Forcing, Dodges, Decision Making

Key Coaching Points:

Defensively, focus on the ABCD basics of defense.  Use the Defensive Vocabulary to incorporate key terms prior to starting the drill so the players know exactly what they are working on.  The attackers should know what dodge they want to try before they start. Make sure the attackers protect their sticks and make good decisions without forcing.

Diagram of Drill:
