Pick the Picker Drill
Shooting and feeding off of 8m picks.
This Drill Highlights:
Setting Picks
Shooting off of Picks
Description: Refer to the diagram below. Balls will be behind on both sides of the crease. X3 will set a pick for X4 to come off and get a feed from X1. Once the shot is taken, X5 will go set a pick for X3. X3 gets a feed from X2. X5 goes to the center position, X1 and X2 replace their respective wings. X3 and X3 join the end of the feeding lines.
Equipment: Balls, Goal, possible goalie
Highlighted Skills: Shooting off of feeds
Key Coaching Points:
Timing and using the pick properly
For a quick release, best shot placement is opposite the feeder
Also work on faking and shooting before losing angle
Diagram of Drill: