WDNT Goalie Drill

WDNT Goalie Drill

Hone your goalie's skills and get them comfortable leaving the crease.

This Highlights:

  • Comfortability leaving the crease

  • Re-defending

  • Clears


This drill starts with the coach and the ball behind GLE. The goalie is set up in her cage, facing the ball. There are two attackers standing on the top of the crease. There is one defender on each side of the field where the GLE and 15m’ connect. There is one attacker standing up top in the middle between the 15m’ and the RL. The coach rolls the ball out to the side of the crease. The goalie has to go for the ground ball with the two attackers (that were on the crease) coming for the ball or the double. The goalie uses her defenders as outlets and they clear up the field (all three attackers re-defending). Another option is that the attackers win the ball and it’s a 3v2 to goal. This required a lot of hustle from the defense.


Crease, 1 goal, balls

Highlighted Skills:

Goalie stick skills and decision making, doubles, sliding

Key Coaching Points:

The attackers need to communicate and make an effective double if they have the opportunity. The high attacker needs to communicate with the low attackers to slow the defender with the ball and prevent that pass. The goalie can use both hands to make a good clear to her defender.

Diagram of Drill:
