1v1 to a 1v2

1v1’s for winners by Emily Boissonneault.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Defensive 1v1’s 

  • Force Angles 

  • Double Teams 


Drill starts in a 1v1 and a line of cones set up adjacent to the ball with a hedging defender in place ready to crash. The job of the 1v1 defender is to force the ball to the line of cones. Once the ball crosses the line it engages the hedging defender into a double team. The goal is to reward the defender for forcing the ball to the goal/intended space.   


I prefer to only set up a hedge on one side of the ball to really work on defensive forcing, but you could put a hedging defender on either side if it works with your defensive system. 


Balls and cones. 

Highlighted Skills:

Force angles  

Key Coaching Points:  

  • Start high on the ball (12-15) it will give the defender more time to take the ball wide (to the intended space)

  • Hedging defender ONLY helps if the on-ball defender can get them to cross the line.

  • Hedging defender needs to stay under the ball in order to have an effective crash

Diagram of Drill:

1v1 to 1v2 Drill Diagram - Emily Boissonneault