3 Shots Live Routine

3 shots live routine

3 Different Game Like Shots 

This Drill Highlights:

  • Game like speed - Try to get all shots off in under 20 seconds with poise

  • 3 different game like situations for shooting

  • No Cones - players use imagination and need to focus where they are on the field


Each player will get 3 shots in a row.  

Routine #1

  • Outside Shot - Shooter is standing on the second inside hash (Coach/player is feeding from Center hash)

  • After shooter takes outside shot - they set up a back door cut from outside the elbow (player/ coach feed from GLE),

  •  Shooter runs to crease and crease dodges - allow them to use their imagination and work on different moves

Routine #2

  • 8m shot with whistle (Focus on running in)

  • Shooter runs to crease and crease dodges - allow them to use their imagination and work on different moves

  • Quick Inside feed to finish ( coach player feeds from elbow)

Routine #3

  • Outside shot off of roll dodge - shooter catches feed right outside 8m elbow- goes right into roll dodge to center - plants and shoots  

  • Shooter runs to 12m to catch a flip from coach or player - drives the alley and shots ( either low and away or top right corner) - alternative is split dodging down the alley instead of using a flip pass

  • Crease post up moves - shooter goes behind and carries the ball above gle and works on post up moves (rocker, fake feed and go, etc)  


Balls, goal

Highlighted Skills:

Endurance, Poise, Game like shooting situations 

Key Coaching Points:  

  • Work on 3 different skills in 20 seconds

  • Game speed - Go Hard!

  • Forget your last shot and move on to the next

Diagram of Drill:

Routine 1
Routine 2
Routine 3