Warm Up Shooting Routine

warm up shooting routine

This shooting routine will have your players improving technique and feeling confident for the rest of a training.

This Drill Highlights:

  • High success rate!  Shouldn’t be a lot of misses - great for confidence!

  • Wrist training - snapping towards corners 

  • Faking progression 


Player stands with toes on the crease with balls on stick side  (see diagram for positioning)


Go through both right and left side: 5-10 shots top right, 5-10 shots top left, 5-10 shots low and away, 5-10 shot fake near shoot far, 5-10 shots fake far shot near.

Do 5 shots (each hand) on the move across the crease with lots of fakes 

Players should be warmed up and confident to progress to harder shooting drills!


Balls, goal

Highlighted Skills:

Wrist shooting, faking 

Key Coaching Points:  

  • Give your players a routine they can get familiar with to do (like wall ball for shooting)

  • They can do it on their own before or after practice, at home etc..

  • Want to develop strong wrists and quick wrists

  • Faking with a purpose - move the goalie side to side

Diagram of Drill:

warm up shooting diagram