3v2 Inside the 12m

A drill for the offense to work on handling pressure in limited space.

Description of Drill: Separate offensive and defensive lines around the 12m, alternating. Once the drill begins the 12 meter acts as a boundary. The coach will roll out the ground ball, and the first player in each line will play the ball. If the offense comes up with the ball they are trying to score immediately. If the attack drops the ball or the defense causes a turnover the defense must clear the ball out of the 12m. If the defense comes up with the ground ball to start they must clear the ball out of the 12m. After a shot or clear the coach rolls another ball out. Each group will get four balls to play out.

Skills Emphasized:

  • Offense: Getting the ground ball under pressure, making quick decisions under pressure, keeping shape, staying spread out, and getting the most out of limited space. Look for the open player on the backside. Pressure the ball immediately on a turnover or ground ball.

  • Defense: Getting the ground ball under pressure, making contact with the ball carrier, sticking up, anticipating the attack's next move, and covering the backside. 

Coaching Points of Emphasis: Competitive 3v2 drill that focuses on quick decision-making. Defensively players must slide, pressure the ball, and force weak hand bad angle shots. Offensively players need to move the ball quickly find the open player while keeping space and utilize the space. Players need to run through the ground ball and protect their stick.

Diagram of Drill: