Switch Press Transition

Work on your transition with game-like pressure.

Description of Drill: This is a half or full-field transition drill, focusing on using the width of the field.  

  • Set up begins in settled 7โ€™s with defense and goalie only*.  The X team always has 2 more players than what you have on defense. Coach takes a shot and GK/defense begins to clear.

  • Once the clear occurs, X players are trying to double the ball (either toward the sideline or make them go backward).

  • The defensive team must either a) use the trail option, or b) switch the field before the ball can cross the 30 or 40-yard line. This is where the goalie and trail players are utilized. Once a trailing player or a switch has happened, they should look up field to middies and attackers (can switch field 2-3 times if needed).

  • X players at the restraining line should stay in pairs and always try to double the ball carrier; they are man-to-man elsewhere, marking everyone else above the ball. Once the ball swings to their side, they double.

  • Depending on the skill level, it can be defense only or both offense and defense. A true settled 7โ€™s offensive players will need to retreat to their โ€œassignedโ€ areas and pairs. The additional two players can already be waiting at the RL.

*You can also be creative/specific with what the Xโ€™s are doing vs. what your transition team is doing.

Equipment Needed:  Balls and both cages in their crease

Skills Emphasized: Transition; stick work, decision making under pressure

Coaching Points of Emphasis: Players should always have their feet moving and eyes up, ready to move the ball quickly. Switching the field should be efficient and all three lanes (sideline, middle, sideline) should have passing options in them. Constant movement and good spacing from everyone. 

Diagram of Drill: