Ground Ball Drops

Ground Ball Drops

This drill creates discipline with ground ball basics.

Use this drill for a warm up and be sure to add goalies!

This Drill Highlights:

  • Footwork

  • Ground Balls

  • Reaction Time


A coach stands 4M away from the side line holding two balls. Two players line up on the side line. The players are both facing the coach and the coach is facing the players. The players begin to do footwork on the line. The coach drops both balls, then blows the whistle. On the whistle, the players sprint to pick up the ground ball.

For the coaches: Make sure you’re facing the side line and drop the balls away from you so you don’t get hit. This is not a groundball fight.



Highlighted Skills:

Footwork, Ground balls, Reaction time

Key Coaching Points:

Change up the footwork. Have the players do hot feet on the line, have them face away from the coach so they are turning on the whistle, have them jump the line, etc… Make sure the players are reacting to the whistle not the dropped ball.

Diagram of Drill:
