Tag Team Relay

Tag Team Relay

Train your girls in new fun and competitive way.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Fitness: Cardio

  • Team Work


The Setup: Separate the team into two even teams. Have one girl from each team (X1) line up starting on the endline. Space 9 other players (or more/less) ten yards apart heading down the field from where the first girl (X1) started. Each team should have the same amount of girls evenly distributed down the field.

Things to Know: This is a competitive relay. Each space down the field is assigned a fitness exercise (planks, jumping jacks, pushups, situps, burpees, etc).

Running the Drill: When the coach blows the whistle, the first girl (X1) will sprint to the opposite end of the drill where one of her teammates is. This creates a domino effect: X1 will stay at x10’s spot and do the exercise she was just doing. X10 will sprint up to x9 and begin doing her exercise. This continues like a domino until x1 is back where she started.

The team to do this the fastest wins!


Cones, Whistle

Highlighted Skills:

Fitness, Communication, Fun

Diagram of Drill: