3 Minute Wall Ball Drill

3 Minute Wall Ball

Build solid defensive technique with this easy drill.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Approaching

  • Breaking down Steps

  • Contact

  • Directing an attacker


This is a friendly competitive wall ball challenge for your team.  They are competing against themselves and the clock only. Players work in partners; one partner has a stopwatch running, a few extra balls and the routine printed out in front of them.  The partner will also chase any missed balls to help their partner succeed and continue their routine. This runs for 3 minutes.


Balls, A Wall, a Partner

Highlighted Skills:

Stick skills under pressure

Key Coaching Points:  

  • Mastering different types of catches/throws

  • Hitting the same spot on the wall

  • Never stand flat footed - always in the triple threat position

  • Focus on catching/throwing even when tired

Diagram of Drill:

  1. 1 Cradle & Out - 10 left/10 right (20 total)

  2. Quick Stick - 10 left/10 right (20 total)

  3. One Handed/One Cradle - 10 left/10 right (20 total)

  4. Grounders (catch, drop on the ground, scoop, pass) - 5 left/5 right (10 total)

  5. Risers - 5 left/5 right (10 total)

  6. Canadian Right and Lefts - 5 left/5 right (10 total)

  7. Behind the Back - 5 left/5 right (10 total)

Or feel free to make up your own routine based on the skill level of your team.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Stick Skills

  • Cutting

  • Small Space Skills


Begin with 1v1 in each both.  One coach or receiver at each end.  The ball starts with one coach/receiver and when the ball successfully transitions through 3 boxes to the opposite coach, it is a point for the team who go the ball through.

Things to note:

  • Round 2 starts with the opposite coach/receiver.

  • If the defensive team gets a turnover and the ball goes out of the grids, a new ball is started by the defenses coach/receiver.

  • If the defensive team gets a turnover and gains possession in the grid, they simply work to get the ball to their receiver.

  • The Coach/Receiver AND players must pass to the neighboring box - there are no skipping boxes.

  • The main point of this drill is to get through each box and to the receiver.


8 Cones, 3-5 yard boxes connected, Whistle and Balls, 8+ players

Highlighted Skills:

Communication, Stick Skills, Footwork, Explosive Movements

Key Coaching Points:  

  • Clean execution

  • 1v1 - Offensively and Defensively

  • Decision making and Timing

  • Work one box ahead of the ball and work early

  • Work together

  • If you aren’t open in the first three steps, re-cut


  • Same concepts just using ground balls

  • Progress by adding 2v2 in each box

  • With Sticks/Without Sticks


No Diagram.