Perfect Passing

Perfect Passing

Touch on all the fundamentals of stickwork within a 8-10 min drill!

This Drill Highlights:

  • Uptempo stickwork drill

  • High rate of passes


This is an upgrade to the traditional shuttle line drill.  This is an uptempo, energetic stick work drill.  It is a timed drill that has 4-7 sequences.

Set Up: Break into two groups of 5 or 6 players. Place 2 cones 10-15 yards apart: 10 yards to focus on short passes, 15 yards for longer passes.  1 player will stand at one cone with 5 balls, this cone is called the Post.  The other 4/5 players will stand single file behind the other cone. 

Sequence #1 - All Right handed passes - Timing: 45 seconds to 1 minute.

Post player starts with the ball - this player is working on precision passing and timing of the pass.  The group cone has one play hard cut towards the post, catches with her right hand while running and throws back to Post while running.  She then pivots, turns and hustles back to the end of the line.  This is continuous for 45seconds to 1 min. When time is up, blow your whistle, switch the post player, do a ball retrieval for any missed passes and provide around 30 seconds of rest. 

Sequence #2 - All Left handed passes - Timing: 45 seconds to 1 minute.

Repeat same as sequence #1

Sequence #3 - Right handed imperfect passes - Timing: 45 seconds to 1 minute.

In this sequence we encourage our Post player to throw bad/ unpredictable passes.  These passes include - off side, bounce, high balls, any imperfect passes that happen in game play.  Goal is to get players comfortable and confident in making a play on a not so perfect pass.  Safety is important, none of these passes should be aimed at the player rather be put in space for them to run onto.  After allocated time, rest, switch Posts, and retrieve balls. 

Sequence #4 - Left handed imperfect passes - Timing: 45 seconds to 1 minute.

Repeat same as Sequence #3

Sequence #5 - Groundballs - Timing: 45 seconds to 1 minute.

Players use preferred hand.  Post rolls a groundball towards the opposite cone, player picks it up full speed, cradles, throws it back to Post and hustles back to the end of line.  

Sequence #6 - Multiple passes - Timing 1 minute to 1:30.

Balls are now moved to the group cone, spread the cones apart for more room.  First player in line throws a stationary long ball to Post, she follows her pass and receives a pass back from the Post player.  She then quicksticks (no cradle, in and out of the pocket)  a pass back to Post, she then pivots/turns away from Post (running towards her original cone). She is looking to receive an over the shoulder/ leading pass away from Post. Once the Post player receives the pass she should practice a dropstep and then step forward into her pass (like a football QB).  She catches and then practices a tight soft pass to the next player in line.  Repeat


Cones, balls

Highlighted Skills:

Throwing, catching, ground balls, game speed play, confidence

Key Coaching Points:  

  • β€œRest in line and work hard in between the cones!”

  • Gain confidence in fundamental skills

  • Catching/throwing on the move

  • Timing of passing

  • Hustle

Diagram of Drill:

perfect passing diagram