Goalie Wall Warm Up (by Mira Shane)
A great warm up drill by Mira Shane.
This Drill Highlights:
Hand/eye coordination
Explosiveness, Footwork, body awareness
Ball tracking
The goalie stands facing a wall. She needs to find her perfect distance by hinging over at the hips and having just enough space to toss balls against the wall and catch them.
To begin this drill, the goalie will hinge over while engaging and flexing her hamstrings to be explosive. Toss 2 balls at the wall (one in each hand) and ABSORB THE BALL - do not attack it. Ball she be caught around the shin. Toss balls up and down the wall, keeping hamstrings flexed with head up and eyes on the ball. Hips will hinge up and down with the change of ball.
Be sure to have the goalie change the rhythm and pattern of the ball toss.
Soft balls or regular lacrosse balls
Highlighted Skills:
Stance, explosiveness, focus and determination
Key Coaching Points:
Goalie must focus on engaged hamstrings and be ready to explode if necessary.
Focus on absorbing the ball, not attacking it.
Focus weight on edges of feet to explode laterally, not on balls of feet.
Soft tosses off of the wall.