Warm Up Dodging

Warm Up Dodging

A repeat dodging drill.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Split Dodges

  • Roll dodges

  • Explosiveness, Footwork, body awareness


Set Up 5 Cones/poles 2 or 3 yards apart in a straight line. Players will dodge through the cones at 50% the first two times (there and back), then increase to 75% for two times. Next sequence, move the 2nd and 4th cone 2 yards to the right (zig-zag pattern).  At 100% speed, split all the cones.  Last sequence starts at 75% then increases to 100%, keep the cones the same - split cone 1 and then roll dodge cone 2, split cone 3, roll dodge 4, split cone 5.


Cones/poles, balls 

Highlighted Skills:

Dodging, footwork, cradling

Key Coaching Points:  

  • Key Points to dodging - 

    • Square Up the cone or defender

    • Plant feet with a good distance between cone or defender ( want to be able to switch hands and avoid contact until after the move)

    • Quick Switch - hand speed is important. The head of the stick should remain below the shoulders on switches. 

    • Explode - change of speed and direction coming out of the dodge 

    • Head up - Eyes should be down field surveying

  • Emphasis with Players that the cone is a defender.  They can’t run over it, need to collect their feet and focus on their approach. 

  • Watch for hand placement while dodging

  • Body language - use head, shoulders and eyes for deception.  Lean hard with the body to create a bigger explosive movement

Diagram of Drill:

warm up dodging diagram